the process

Step by step

Once your photos are edited, the fun part begins! We will have another Zoom meeting to design art for your home. Together, we will plan various pieces of artwork that suit your style and home decor. Once this process is complete you will have gorgeous artwork of your horse to showcase in your home for everyone to admire.

designing your art


24-48 hours after your session, we will set up a Zoom meeting and review your photos together. You will see your photos straight out of camera to choose which poses you would like fully edited. This meeting typically takes about 15-30 minutes.

choosing your photos


Equine Fine Art sessions have a fairly easy and painless setup. Center aisle barns work best for these sessions. We will position your horse in the barn aisle and photograph a variety of poses, both traditional and non-traditional, to create an ample amount of options for your artwork. Sessions normally take 20-40 minutes per horse and can be done during most daylight hours.

Your session


Fine Art Session Fee is $275/Horse
Please fill out our contact form to schedule a phone call to learn more information on booking your session.


the fine art gallery

inquire here

ready to get started?


wall art

The majority of us have to travel to a barn to enjoy time with our horses; having artwork is a way of bringing our horses home to us. During your art design meeting we will discuss the best options for you and make your design dreams come true. All pieces of artwork are professionally styled, inspected, and created to be sure you have the best of the best proudly on display in your home–exactly what your horse deserves.



Can I be in the photos with my horse?

Yes! Show attire or nice riding clothes are perfect for fine art photos. If you're interested in more than just fine art photos with your horse, be sure to check out the Horse & Rider page. There is a combo package to receive both Fine Art and Horse & Rider images.
