the process

Step by step

Within 2-3 weeks of your session we will have your art design meeting. This usually takes place over Zoom, but can be arranged to be in person. During this meeting we will view your photos for the first time, choose your favorites, and order artwork for your home.

designing your art


All sessions take place two hours before sunset. This gives us enough time for two outfits and to take breaks if needed. We will work within your horses’ comfort level to create images that are natural and emotive.

Your Session


Once you have booked your session we will schedule a phone call, or online meeting to plan your session. We will go over outfits, what you need to have on hand for your session, hair and makeup ideas, and your horses’ schedule for the day.



Horse & Rider Session Fee is $500
Please fill out our contact form to schedule a phone call to learn more information on booking your session.


the Horse & Rider gallery

inquire here

ready to get started?


wall art

The majority of us have to travel to a barn to enjoy time with our horses; having artwork is a way of bringing our horses home to us. During your art design meeting we will discuss the best options for you and make your design dreams come true. All pieces of artwork are professionally styled, inspected, and created to be sure you have the best of the best proudly on display in your home–exactly what your horse deserves.



Can I be in the fine art photos with my horse?

Yes! Show attire or nice riding clothes are perfect for fine art photos. If you're interested in more than just fine art photos with your horse, be sure to check out the Horse & Rider page. There is a combo package to receive both Fine Art and Horse & Rider images.
