American Paint Horse Portraits


American Paint Horse fine art photo by professional photographer.

Scout is the perfect model for my project, Every Spot Matters. His American Paint Horse portraits turned out to be one of my favorite sets that I took for my project. When Taylor (Scout’s owner) submitted Scout for my project, I knew right away that he was the perfect horse to represent spotted horses. Not only are spotted horses stunning and unique, but they are also incredibly versatile. Scout has a resume a mile long! Together, him and Taylor have tried multiple disciplines. I was so excited to meet Scout after hearing Taylor talk about him, and he did not disappoint in the personality department. Not to mention, Scout’s black and white APHA coloring looks amazing on the grey background that I used for the project!

Taylor bought Scout when he was seven years old, at this point in his life he had not been ridden. He was challenging, but willing to learn and became fun for Taylor to ride. Now, Scout is fifteen and they have done countless disciplines together. Scout has been in many rings including extreme cowboy racing, eventing, dressage, and has competed at A rated jumper shows. Their most recent accomplishment together is learning how to drive. When I say he can do it all, I mean it! I have never ridden behind a horse with a carriage before, so when Taylor asked me if I wanted to ride… I could not say no! Scout pulled us around like the champ he is. I even got to trot and canter behind him which was a thrill. I am honored to have photographed such an amazing horse, and even more proud that Scout gets to represent American Paint Horse’s in Every Spot Matters.

You can find more stories from Every Spot Matters here.

APHA black and white gelding portraits on grey background. APHA Photographer takes fine art pictures of black and white gelding. APHA horse drives carriage during photoshoot. Ocala, FL golden hour photos with girl and her horse taken by professional Florida equine photographer. Beautiful sunset photos with girl in yellow dress and APHA gelding. American Paint Horses portrait session with rider wearing a dress.

Horse and Rider

